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FHS News
Vol I, No. 2
March 5, 1936



The Junior play, None So Blind, by Armitage Owen, is a departure from the type of play often given by high school groups. The romantic angle is practically missing and there is no villain. But there are several scheming relatives who try to fleece their blind kinsman who refuses to believe that they are. How he becomes convinced of their hypocrisy and turns the tables on them furnishes the burden of action in the play. Aunt Matty, played by Virginia Yates makes the remark that there’s none so blind as won’t see. The Juniors hope there will be none so blind as won’t see the Junior play.

The cast is as follows:
Aunt Matty ----------------- Virginia Yates
Gertrude Whittaker -------- Florence Newton
Lucy Whittaker -------------- Marie Pippins
William Henry Whittaker –-- Jim Dick Pinson
James Horobin --------------- Johnnie Nalls
Sam Burrows -------------------- J.T. Kelly
Gladys ------------------- Francine Richman
Phoebe Horobin ---------------- Jane Thomas
Mary Bruce ----------------- Elizabeth Tune

Juanita Taylor, President of the Jr. Class has charge of the Tickets.

Billie Louise Dykes is Publicity Agent.

10¢ and 25¢
10¢ extra for Reserved Seats

See a Junior and buy a Ticket.



We are all familiar with the words of Priscilla, the Puritan maiden, who, when young John Alden was urging her to wed his friend, Miles Standish, said, “Why don’t you speak for yourself, John?”

The Senior play, “Speak for Yourself, John!” deals with a similar situation, but in this case, the tables are turned, and the young lady is urging the boy she loves to marry the girl his mother wishes him to.

The parts have not yet been cast, but the books have been ordered, and work will begin on it in a short time. The Seniors expect to present their play about the middle of April.



The Library Club is in charge of the program for assembly of the high school in the Auditorium on Wednesday, March 11 at 10:15 A.M.

The members of the club will present a one-act play, Pearls. John Chapman, Margaret Lewis, Oleta Compton and John Boles are members of the cast.

The public is invited to attend our assemblies or chapels.

Ida Mae Voss, Ferrell Bratcher, Vera Nalls, Julius Kaiser, Conway Senter are the other members of the club, and the club is sponsored by Miss Jeffie Ball.



Editor-in-Chief ---- Mary Linn Taylor
Asst. Editor ---- Margaret Crittenden
Sponsor ----------------- Jeffie Ball

Seniors --------------- Oleta Compton
Juniors -------------- Virginia Yates
Sophomores ------- Winnie Faye Morton
Freshman ------- Virginia Ruth Spratt
Seventh Grade --------- Conway Senter
Girl Reserves --------- Dixie Griffin
Dramatic Club -------- Virginia Yates
Athletics ------------ Harvey Compton
Library Club ----------- John Chapman



Your greatest asset lies within yourself. What you are, what you can do, the part you play with your associates. Can you talk with people in a pleasant voice? Can you tell an interesting story? Can you play an instrument? Sing? Drive a car safely? Can you make a budget? Plan and plant a flower bed? Can you typewrite? Write a satisfactory letter? Make an application for work? Can you preside over a meeting? Make an intelligent speech? Not unless you have practiced. Your high school gives you these opportunities. Are you training yourself?



We pride ourselves on being modern and progressive, don’t we? Then perhaps this will give us a jolt or two. When the commencement programs for 1934 were being printed, those in charged used a program from the year 1906, changing the names, and titles. Then last year the program for 1934 was used as model – meaning that the Seniors of 1935, progressive, modern and alert as they were – were using the same kind of program that was used when many of their parents graduated!

What is the purpose of a Commencement program, anyway? First, to honor the graduates! Of course, they deserve it. But should it not also be an opportunity to encourage the under-graduates? To interpret the work of the school to the community? To show appreciation to the community, to parents, and to others who have helped us?



Each day gives new indications that spring is coming. Spring! What does it mean to us? A host of activities: practicing, plays, Interscholastic League Contests, and FLOWER BEDS!

Are you as interested in the appearance of our town as a whole as you are in CLASS FLOWER BEDS at school? Are you interested in improving the appearance of Forney?

Most of us are good “followers.” We are in need of a GOOD LEADER.

We would like to see Forney dressed in her gayest colors for the Centennial. Surely there is a leader who will offer his or her services?



We should like to hear the usual answer to that from tourists who pass through our town, SHE’S ALL RIGHT.

We shall not hear that answer unless we do something - AT ONCE!



25¢ for the remainder of the year
2¢ a week.


All Honor to You

I want to congratulate Miss Ball and the two students, Margaret Crittenden and Mary Linn Taylor, for the nice little school paper that was handed to us last week. There were others who helped get this paper to us but these are the three people who deserve to be congratulated for initiating this newest idea to make school life more worthwhile and interesting. May you enjoy getting many more like it to us during the remainder of the year.


Some Values of a School Prayer

From past experience I have found that a live little school bulletin or newspaper of some description will do more to build up a school spirit than is possible in any other way. School news supplied the local paper is worth a great deal and the local editor is to be thanked for the space given to any school affairs. Our local editor has been very nice to us and we want to continue to furnish school news in the columns of the Forney Messenger. A lot of people read these items. Valuable as this method is in spreading things of interest about a school it does not inject the school spirit like a little paper of some sort issued by the students themselves. It is our intentions to furnish news through both sources so that those not getting the Messenger may have the opportunity of reading school items in our little school paper published by the students in the commercial department.


To Those Who Are Ill

We have been most fortunate thus far in not having any great amount of sickness during the year. There are several who have missed considerable time lately, however. We are all anxious for these sick pupils to get back in school. They will all be given an opportunity to make up the work that is missed while they are absent. If they use this opportunity seriously they should soon be up with the class.


Are You One Who –

Looks upon a school as a place where knowledge is poured into the minds of children?

Believes that information is the main thing a child needs to learn?

Believes that a child comes to school in order that he may learn just how to make a living?

Is content with the progress of pupil if they are passing all of their subjects?

Doesn’t bother about what a child is doing just so he brings in a good report card each month?

Is satisfied with a child’s report card if he makes an average of 94 when he could easily make an average of 98 by really working?

Believes that children should let all activities of the school alone and apply their time wholly to their books?

Thinks the teacher should stick to the textbook so that children will the better be able to make high grades?

Believes the modern day textbook is practically worthless because it is not like those we studied?


Or, Are You One Who –

Realizes that it takes more than knowledge for success in life?

Believes that attitudes and appreciations of the child are worthwhile?

Realizes that 70 is a good grade if that is the best that a child can do and that 90 is a bad grade if the child is capable of doing more?

Realizes that a school must do some things in a modern way in order that it may be modern itself?  The good school is modern a stream lined.



An honorable member of the Senior class is one of the school athletes. He was one of the leading basketball boys and is an enthusiastic member of the track team.

He is tall and slim, and has brown eyes and black hair, slightly wavy.

Answer to last week’s WHO’S WHO:



The Staff takes this opportunity of wishing the following “Happy Birthday”:

Warren Hatley, March 6
J.T. Kelly, March 6
Robert Lewis, March 8


Answers to last week:

Hugh Fowler
Geraldine Trail
Glyndon Farmer
Josephine Bragg
Buster Layden
Vera Nalls
Octavia Edwards
Mary Brown
Julius Kaiser
Katherine Powell

Figure these out. See next week’s issue to verify your answers.

Smeraryo Shtsma
Otahms Llspmnea
Yibll Ooksh
Knafr Erha
Eellng Totuh
Fieefj Blla
Leerm Rstenatpo Dilalrl
Glerlaa Efulrtl
Hnjo Mcpanha
Xiied Fiinrfg



When JOHN CHAPMAN is going to recover from the giggles?

When BILLY HARVEY is going to grow big enough to lift his feet when trying to walk?

To WHOM Mr. Burch plans to give his duplicate keys?

When CLYDE WHITTEMORE plans to let the study hall teacher have a few minutes to relax?

When MISS BALL will realize there is another class in school besides the Sophomore Class?



The following have been neither absent nor tardy to date:

Lucille Bratcher
Kippie Joe Crittenden
Leon Crittenden
Mary Louise Duke
Harold Dykes
Elizabeth Hatley
Louise Voss
Lewis Vaughn



The One-Act Play Contest cast is as follows:

Allegra  Futrell
Bobby Farmer
Elizabeth Hatley
Margaret Lewis
Claudine Neal
Geraldine Trail



Last Friday we celebrated the birthday of one of our teachers, Mr. Burch. The usual custom is to give presents to the honoree. He reversed the custom, however, and presented the faculty, basketball girls and others with a big piece of angel food cake. This cake was on of his birthday gifts.

Everyone is hoping that all other birthdays will be celebrated in a similar manner.




If not, see a member of the Junior Class TODAY!




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