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1924 Graduating Class of Forney High School

Dallas Times Herald
4 May 1924


Forney, Texas, May 3 – The above picture is that of the senior class of Forney, Texas, which will graduate May 9. Reading from left to right, they are: Top row – Marion Dozier, James Tune, Jack Criswell, Robert Futrell, Henry Guynes, Eugene Dozier, Jessie Hawks. Second row – Curtis Burch, Oriole Brannon, Valta Anderson, Miss Margaret Alexander (class sponsor), Adelle Pinson, Doris Burgoon, J.M. Andrews, superintendent; Grady Taylor. Bottom row – Jeffie Ball, Jessie Ruth Drake, Katherine Godfrey, Gwendolyn Walker, Eunice Dennis, Helen Trail, Virginia Crawford. Louise Fowler will graduate, but is not shown in the picture.

Commencement exercises of the school will begin Sunday, May 4, with the baccalaureate sermon, which will be delivered by Dr. T.O. Perrin, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church of Dallas. The service will be held at the First Christian church, beginning at 11 o’clock.

The “Feast of the Dolls” will be given on the lawn of the grammar school Monday evening, May 5, beginning at 7:45. This program will be participated in by the children of both the grammar and high schools, and promises to be one of the best programs of the entire commencement. The senior play, “Nothing But the Truth,” will be presented at the high school auditorium Wednesday evening, May 7, beginning at 8 o’clock.

On Thursday evening, beginning at 8 o’clock in the grammar school auditorium, the seventh grade graduating exercise will be held. The class will present a short play entitled “Professor Jingle Jaw’s Exhibition Rehearsal,” after which the members of the class will receive their certificates of promotion into high school.

The graduating exercise of the high school will be held on Friday evening, beginning at 8 o’clock, in the high school auditorium. Dr. F.M. Bradley, president of the College of Industrial Arts, Denton, will deliver the address, after which the members of the senior class will receive their diplomas. The scholarship and medals of award will be presented at this time also.

Class of 1924

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