Reunion – Mothers Day Observed

Forney Herald
Friday, 19 April 1939


A family reunion and Mother’s Day Picnic was given Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Griffin. A delicious picnic lunch was spread in the front yard. Pictures were taken and games were played. This occasion was the first time in fourteen years the Jernigan family has all been together. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Jernigan and Mrs. Sadie Haire and children of Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Jernigan and children of Saginaw, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Fowler and children, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Jernigan and baby, Clayton, Buddy, Mildred and Velma Jernigan, Mrs. Beulah Vaugh, Clayton Moffett and children, Ed Hines and Buddy Fowler, all of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Griffin and the host and hostess.


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